Thursday, November 18, 2010

Personal: New Years Resolutions

Two sets of five objectives. The first set is the Radical challenge outlined at the end of Radical by David Platt. The second set is personal goals of sin to get rid of and spiritual growth to do.
Set One: The Radical Challenge
1. Pray for the entire world
Get a list (from Monica Skinner) of all the countries of the world and pray for every single one of them, and not impersonal prayers, look up current events for the country and pray for specific things that they are dealing with.
2. Read through the ENTIRE Word
Read the bible, cover to cover, in one year (at least once). I plan on accomplishing this by reading my Chronological Bible in a Year. By the end of this year I will have (ideally) read through the entire New Testament already.
3. Sacrifice your money for a specific purpose
Parents and friends will not understand or endorse this one, but it is what we, as followers of Jesus Christ, are called to do. It is why God blessed me with lots of nice things and a place to live and freedom of religion and tons of money, it is to give it to those in need to make His glory known in all the world. (Read Radical Ch. 6)
4. Spend your time in another context
Same as last with understanding. I plan on spending my entire summer in either Miami or Asia on Summer Project with Campus Crusade for Christ.
5. Commit your life to a multiplying community
Commit your life to the Church. Yes, I did say THE CHURCH, not a church. If you do not understand, go to and watch the first four sermons on un-learning church. Anyway, I take this in the context of the phrase Summit Crossing is so fond of "doing life together". Get in a group of believers and serve the community, grow spiritually, and be accountable to each other.

Set two: Personal Self-Growth
1. Beat Lust in my life, completely and forthright.
This is a personal matter, it includes what most of you can guess, but to me it is more than just the obvious. This includes sexual-referencing jokes (especially "thats what she said"), making sure that my eyes are on girls eyes and not elsewhere, and yes, no masturbation (yes, I did just say that).
2. Stop using profanity, totally
This is a staged process that will begin with the big and obvious profanities and work its way down to words like "suck" (in the context of "such and such sucks") and idiot and stupid.
3. Stop judging others
This is one that I would dare say that every single human being struggles with (if you are perfect at this, props, seriously). Whether this is out loud or in your mind, judging others is a sin. It stems from Jesus' second most important commandment "love your neighbor".
4. Stop gossiping
A whole lot of people struggle with this one too, and yes, it does really fall under the last one, but it is different in my mind, so needs a separate one. This is not only an internal thing, it is an external thing. Not only do I not want to talk about anyone behind their back in either positive or negative light, I also do not want to be caught listening to someone else talk about someone else behind their back. So, I will be calling a lot of people out if you try, you have been warned.
5. Memorize AT LEAST 20 passages of the Bible
Whether this is one or two verses, like my favorite Proverbs 3:5-6 or 19 verses, like John 15:1-19, I want to have 20 solid, foundational Bible verses memorized for reference at will. This will help with all of the other goals, because "hiding His Word in our heart" is something that we are supposed to do, certainly not for God's sake, He wrote the Bible, but for our sake, to help us stay on that straight and narrow path.

Yes, I realize that these goals are very lofty, and I also acknowledge that I may not be able to accomplish all of them in a month or even in a year, but they are good life goals to strive toward, period. This is my Radical challenge to myself and I pray that you will be encouraged by this. I pray that you will support me in this endeavor and not halter me. I pray that you will forgive me and intercede for me when I fail at this. I pray that you will bear with me and forgive me when I call you out on profane jokes, profanity, gossiping, and judging others. I pray that you will call me out on these things so that I can know when it happens and immediately go to the Lord in prayer about it. But pray, just always pray.

1 comment:

  1. ok, on gossping, it is not a sin to build someone up behind their back as long as you follow two guidelines: 1. if you would not say it to their face, do not say it. 2. Do not build them up to be a deity, a great Disciple is about the extent to which you should praise someone else.
