Sunday, February 13, 2011

On a Positive Note

I hereby resolve to only post blogs about anything when I am in a good mood, like I am right now. =D
I also have resolved to stop drinking soft drinks, period. Going on 7 days now, no problems, probably because I still drink coffee daily because it is amazing =D
So, I am in an amazing mood because I got the announcements on time, so I got the announcement slides and video made early/on time, and therefore my stress level for Cru tonight was amazingly low! It is so awesome how much simpler life is when everyone does what they are supposed to! Not meaning to put anyone down with that one, just saying, everything is better when everyone does what they are supposed to do! Which is really true in all things, which is a good place to inject one of my favorite Bible verses, Colossians 3:23. I will not be typing verses into here any more either, because I am a huge advocate of you actually using your own Bibles, or substitute of your choice (ie iPhone app, internet, etc.). So, setup was smooth, Cru was smooth, tear down was smooth, AfterCru was awesome at Steak n' Shake! Got to "buy" my good friend Garret a milkshake (it was free, I had a coupon =D). And to top it all off, because everything went so smoothly, I got back home before midnight, which is just unheard of!
Also, I am SO EXCITED about Miami Summer Project this summer! As of right now, I have raised $2455 out of $2950!!!!!!! I only have $495 left, which is 83.22% finished!!!!!! The craziest thing about that is that I name-stormed (Cru term for brainstorming names) over 180 names, was only able to procure addresses/locations of 85 of them, got out 80 of those letters, and have only gotten 18 of them back! It is just plain crazy. God is SO AMAZING!! People that I have never met are giving me support! Several of my friends' parents who I have never even met are supporting me! I owe it all to the Lord, I take absolutely no credit for this provision. This is really the only way that it can be, it is just God re-allocating some of his resources, because everything belongs to Him anyway. I am nervous about a few things in regards to living conditions and employment, but I am less and less worried about it every day, which I also give all credit to God for. It is just absurd how powerful prayer is. This past Saturday, 5 of the 6 of us from Cru that are going on summer projects this summer got together and just prayed for like an hour, and it was just the most amazing time. I prayed out loud for like 15-20 minutes of the time, and I could just tell that it was not even me talking, but the Holy Sprint speaking through me to encourage the others who have much more support left to raise than me. Also, as school gets more and more stressful leading up to finals, I just find myself praying more and more in relation to the amount of stress, and the stress, or at least my state of mind, just completely turns around. I am really far behind in my chronological Bible reading, but I have a feeling I will have time to make that up in the weeks between the end of school and Miami SP, and then on Miami SP.
Anyway, that is really all I have to say, I could get off into the little things that frustrate me, but that would be pointless and just make me angry, so, with that, goodnight!
Bryan Britt
Proverbs 3:5-6

Friday, February 4, 2011

The 4 G's of God

As I strive to follow God's plan for my life, I have discovered a "tool" called the 4 G's of God that might be my new outlook on life:
God is Good, so we don't have to look anywhere else for satisfaction
God is Glorious, so you no longer have to prove yourself
God is Great, so you don't have to be in control
God is Gracious, so you don't have to fear others

As you walk through your daily life, you are undoubtedly faced with sin all the time, whether intentional or not, it is just the way of the world that we live in. When Paul taught this to me, and everyone else at CRU, last Tuesday night, it really hit home. The way he put it, to paraphrase, was that whenever you find yourself struggling with sin in your life, stop and ask yourself, which of these four things are you not trusting God with?
As we read through 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12, he challenged us to see where and how Paul was trusting God with all of these things. The answer was everywhere, and yet he still called himself chief among sinners. I guess my challenge to myself and to you, is that the next time you find yourself facing sin in your life, stop and ask yourself,
"Am I trusting that God is Good so that I don't have to look ANYWHERE else for satisfaction?
Am I trusting that God is Glorious so that I no longer have to prove myself to anyone or anything?
Am I trusting that God is Great so that I don't have to be in control of what I am facing or what I am going through?
Am I trusting that God is Gracious so that I don't have to fear others, what they might do or say to me?"
I hope that in asking these questions when you feel like you are up against a wall or drowning in sin or depression or anger or anxiety or pressure or pain or remorse, you will find that God is Good, God is Glorious, God is Great, and God is Gracious. My God, our God, is big enough to handle anything that we could ever go up against and so much more. Also know that God will never let you go through something that you cannot handle, because there is nothing that we cannot handle or overcome if we lean solely on God!
Bryan Britt
Proverbs 3:5-6

Monday, January 31, 2011

Prayer, Intercession, and Forgiveness

Following a fantastic guy's weekend with my dear friends in CRU, I feel like I need to blog about prayer. Prayer holds different meanings and weights in different people's lives. For me, prayer means communicating with God. It is the only way to develop a relationship with God and His Son Jesus Christ. Without prayer, we cannot know God, and if we do not know God, how can we know His will for our life? “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’" - Matthew 7:21-23. This is one of those verses that people like to ignore, because it is a hard teaching, but "All scripture is God breathed." So, before I get labeled a hypocrite, let me confirm that our salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ alone. But, because we are saved by faith in Jesus Christ, we are forever changed because we are then filled with the Holy Spirit, who begins to work in our heart and change us from the inside out. By regularly praying, the Holy Spirit grows inside you, helping you see and follow God's will for your life, and when you follow God's will for your life, you go to Heaven. So, that being said, let me talk a little bit about intercessory prayer and forgiveness. Intercession, according to wikipedia, is "intervening or mediating between two parties". For Christians, this is praying to God on someone else's behalf, usually someone who would not pray for themselves, or someone who is not a Christian. It does not have to be for someone who would not pray for themselves, but it just, at least for me, always seems to be. In my mind, intercession and forgiveness go hand in hand. The best example that I have is when my car got broken into and my stuff stolen a few weeks ago. In my mind, I was frustrated and annoyed, but not hateful for some reason. After trying to clean up a bit and putting garbage bags over the broken window, I decided to have some Time Alone With God (TAWG) to see what God had to say about the issue. I found myself forgiving whoever it was that broke and stole my stuff and praying that God would forgive them and help them and that they could use the money they got from selling my stuff to better themselves and not to use it for self-detrimental things like alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs. To me, I don't know how you could pray for God to forgive someone who you yourself have not forgiven, it just does not make much sense. Regardless, 'forgiving those who trespass against us' is one of the many things we are called to do as Christians. And praying for them is in the Bible many places I am sure, I just do not know of one off hand. Anyway, that's my two cents. Have a fantastic week!
Bryan Britt
Proverbs 3:5-6